This week, the Center announced the first step in their effort to “resource student leaders/campus advocacy groups” in announcing two summer internships for undergraduate, or seminary students interested in climate action from a Mennonite perspective.
The first internship is a Climate Advocacy Internship, based in Mennonite Central Committee’s Washington, D.C. office. The internship is focused on students with an interest in climate action, domestic policy, and advocacy, and hopes to encourage leadership in these areas. Students who partake in the internship will engage in advocacy, organizing, and lobbying with the MCC Washington office, with a specific focus on mobilizing the Mennonite community around climate issues. One position is available starting this May and includes housing and a monthly stipend. The application for the Climate Advocacy Internship can be found here.
The second internship which the Center is supporting this year is a Faith Outreach Internship, based in Wolf Lake, Indiana. In partnership with Mennonite Creation Care Network, the Faith Outreach Internship hopes to support the work of the new Director of Pastoral Ecology, who will be working with Goshen and MCCN to engage Mennonite congregations and pastors in creation care and climate action.
The internship will focus on students with an interest in climate action, faith outreach within the Mennonite Church, and coalition building, and should support both the work of the Center and MCCN. The bulk of the student’s work will be communications, networking, and administrative tasks, which should offer a variety of experience for anyone interested in the position. One position is available starting during the summer and includes housing and a monthly stipend. The application for the Faith Outreach Internship can be found here.
The Center hopes to use the internships, not only to further its goal of student engagement but to further other goals as well. The Faith Outreach Intern, in helping the Director of Pastoral Ecology, will be working towards equipping pastors and congregations, while the Climate Advocacy Intern will expand the Center’s engagement into advocacy, and further community engagement. For students, the internships promise to provide valuable experience, skills development, and professional networking opportunities, especially within the Mennonite community.
To find out more information about the internships, or to apply, see our Internships page, or email Daniel Bellerose at daniel.bellerose@emu.edu.