As part of our mission to catalyze faith-informed, justice-focused activity that promotes sustainable living, environmental justice and care for creation, we highlight from time-to-time new and recently updated resources for congregations wishing to engage these topics. The items below have come to our attention in recent weeks, and we are pleased to share them here.
Mennonite Creation Care Network –
Mennonite Creation Care Network (MCCN) is a Christian organization affiliated with the Mennonite Church USA and the Mennonite Church Canada welcoming those from all traditions all who wish to be part of a faith-based network of people caring for creation. MCCN has recently updated its website, which includes a wide variety of resources for congregations, including the Every Creature Singing curriculum, tools for assessing your church’s attention to creation care, and small grants to support renewable energy initiatives.
Faith, Morality and the Environment – Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
Though not a new resource, we highlight the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication’s report which covers the ways in which global warming is now being reframed as a moral and spiritual issue by religious leaders–including Pope Francis. This report dovetails with research conducted by the center during the winter of 2017 exploring attitudes and beliefs about global warming among U.S. Mennonites, and provides a helpful context for understanding the ways in which Mennonites are similar to and different from members of other U.S. denominations and faith traditions.
Sojourners Magazine: How to Talk with Climate Change Skeptics in Your Church
(Available only to Sojourners subscribers) The May 2017 issue of Sojourners includes a helpful article by by Teresa Myers, Connie Roser-Renouf, and Edward Maibach all of the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication (4c). The article grows out of research conducted by the George Mason center identifying global warming’s “Six Americas,” and contains specific steps for church members to take when discussing climate change with others in their congregation.